- Guidelines
EU Battery Regulation (EU) 2023/1542
On August 18, 2023, the new EU Battery Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 came into force.
You can find the complete directive » here.
Transport regulations
Changing of IATA regulation
Starting 1. January, 2015 the shipping of Lithium-Metall-Batteries in passenger aircrafts is prohibited. That does not apply for Lithium-Metal-Batteries packed with or in equipment. For detailled informations please have a look into the » IATA-statement. Please take that change already now into consideration.
Generell requirement for the approval of Lithium batteries/cells for transportation is the proof of successful testing according UN-manual "Test and Criteria" part III, 38.3, independently whether the alleviation allowed by different regulations can be occupied or the batteries have to be shipped under the full strength of the dangerous goods regulations.
Detailed informations and amendments should be requested at the responsible institutions.
Batteries may be sold only, if it is warranteed, that consumers can return the used batteries. They have to be returned for disposal to the seller or a specially established institution which gathers the quantities. It is not allowed to dispose off old batteries together with household rubbish.
We as Fey Elektronik, as seller of batteries and accumulators are responsible of taking back these products from our customers. Therefore Fey Elektronik GmbH joined Stiftung Gemeinsames Rücknahmesystem Batterien (GRS).
The recycling rate for used industrial batteries is 100% in accordance with § 15 (3) BattG.
For more information click » here.